Museum of the rural life of Fogars de la Selva

Council of Fogars de la Selva


Fogars de la Selva

  • Museu de la Vida Rural de Fogars de la Selva 0

Novel proposal showing what life was like in a traditional ancestral home

Fogars de la Selva is a town made up of a series of isolated farmhouses which, in the 1960s, underwent huge growth as a result of new estates or "urbanitzacions" in Catalan. The Council decided to create a museum of rural life in order to show to the new inhabitants and to younger people in particular how the people of Fogars used to live and work in the past. It has therefore constructed a new building that faithfully recreates the shapes and areas of a traditional farmhouse.

The museographic proposal provides a tour of the inside of the house (set, according to the model, in a traditional ancestral home) and the neighbouring roofs. Each room realistically recreates the inside of a farmhouse but the visit is complemented with an audio and light installation that brings the tour alive. Different people, typical of a rural family, explain via a narrative format their experiences and, in this way, reveal everyday life in a farmhouse, the agricultural work and other significant social and cultural aspects.