Carlism in Pinós

Catalan Government – Pinós Council


Santa Maria de Pinós (Solsonès)

  • Carlisme a Pinós 0
  • Carlisme a Pinós 1
  • Carlisme a Pinós 2

Diverse audiovisual resources to explain the history of Carlism in Catalonia through the Tristany Family of Pinós

The Catalan Government and Pinós Council commissioned Transversal to produce an audiovisual presentation for the town of Pinós, in the Solsonès region. The objectives were, firstly, to explain the phenomenon of Carlism and, secondly, to raise awareness of the rural world using the baroque art of the Tristany family. Moreover, Rafael Tristany, a key figure from Carlism, is a native of Ardèvol (a town located in the Pinós area).

The audiovisual presentation was therefore set in Pinós and explained the history of the Tristany family through different audiovisual resources, such as outdoor recordings, location shoots, treatment of old photographs with 2D and 3D resources, etc. All helping to create the atmosphere required by the content, developed with a narrative and dramatised approach.

With the guiding thread of the story of the Tristany family of Ardèvol and more specifically that of Benet and Rafael Tristany, viewers are placed in the political and social context of inland Catalonia in the 19th century and follow the developments of the three Carlist wars.

The appearance of an imaginary character, a correspondent for La Vanguardia newspaper writing a piece on the return of Rafael Tristany’s mortal remains, provides insight into the events of the last few decades. Through him, viewers learn about the death, funeral and mass-attended burial of this great Carlist general.